Sunday 8 November 2015

Green tomato and jalapeño jam

The growing season is about done now so we decided to clear out the greenhouse. There were still loads of tomatoes in there so we picked everything and ended up with just over 2kg of green tomatoes. This jam is sweet, sour and spicy all at once and is great in a sandwich or with meat.

450g green tomatoes, chopped
450g sugar
4 garlic cloves, crushed
4 jalapeños, seeded and chopped
1 tsp lazy ginger
110ml cider vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce

* put all the ingredients in a large pan, bring to the boil and then simmer for around 15 minutes or until the jam is thickened
* pour the jam into sterilised jars

Frying Pan Pizza

When my daughter makes pizza she does it properly with yeast, and kneading, and proving. Sometimes thoug you just need pizza in a hurry and this is a great way to get it. In theory it should serve 2 but I was really hungry so I ate the whole thing!

Ingredients (serves 2)
210g self raising flour
2 tbsp olive oil

* put the flour in a bowl, add the olive oil and enough cold water to mix to a stiff but not sticky dough. I needed about 6 tbsp
* tip the dough onto a floured surface and roll to a circle the size of your frying pan
* heat a little oil in the frying pan and cook the pizza dough for around 5 minutes or until it is golden brown underneath.
* flip the base over and cook the other side whilst assembling the toppings. I spread the base with red pesto the added anchovies, onions, mushrooms and grated cheese.
* once the underside of the base is cooked, put the pizza under the grill to melt the cheese and cook the toppings